2024 Myco Mingle and Christmush Sale
It’s Myco Mingle Time
We had a fabulous time at our first Myco Mingle and Christmush Sale in 2023, so we decided to do it again. Hopefully, in a few more years it will qualify as an annual event. So, what is a Myco Mingle? It is when a bunch of mycophiles (AKA CMS members and friends and anyone else who loves mushrooms), meet at a local establishment to eat, drink, and talk mushrooms. Drop Bear Brewery owned by CMS members Lorraine and David Lehane is our go to Myco Mingle hang out.
When you add mushroom merch (below), you get a Christmush Sale!
Come visit between 5 and 8pm to mingle with other mycophiles and do some Christmas shopping. This event is open to the public, so feel free to invite others. In addition to craft beer, Drop Bear has cider, kombucha, soft drinks, and a full service bar to satisfy everyone’s taste. They also have a kitchen that offers fabulous pizza, salads, small plates, pretzel bites and more. Their menu includes both vegan and gluten-free offerings. Plus, feel free to purchase from the Thai Fusion food truck located in the parking lot! Drop Bear Menu, Thai Fusion Menu
What we will Have for Sale
- New this year – Mushroom models to display in your home and mushroom themed neck warmers to keep you warm this winter.
- Prayer Flags by Cada Johnson
- CMS T-shirts – 2024 rainbow t-shirt in long and short sleeve, plus a few past t-shirts
- Mushroom ornaments – King Bolete, Chanterelle, Fly Amanita, Morel, comes in a box with an ornament hanger.
- CMS Wild Mushroom Cookbook – Mushroom recipes arranged by fruiting season, plus foraging stories and tips.
- CMS logo hats/caps.
- Mushroom magnets -King Bolete, Chanterelle, Fly Amanita, Morel
- Mushroom earrings – King Bolete, Chanterelle, Fly Amanita, Morel, and Purple Cortinarius
- Felted mushroom pins – Fly Amanita, King Bolete, and Admirable Bolete.
- CMS Membership Gift Certificates – Includes a Gift Certificate, a welcome to CMS card, and an envelope.
Directions and Parking
2690 Willamette Street – Click for Google Directions
Where to Park for the Drop Bear Event
You may click on the image below to see an enlarged view. Drop Bear is shown with the red star. There is a small parking area on the side bordering 27th. There is also parking behind the building. Other options are across Willamette in the strip mall, but please do not park in front of In Shape Athletic Club. Also, do not park in the Urgent Care parking lot. There is on-street parking on 27th Ave. and Portland, plus all of the bordering neighborhoods.