Below you will find some interactive activities for kids of all ages to learn more about mushrooms and the world of fungi. We also have some printable activities here. The printable activities are different from the interactive ones below.
Fungal Tree of Life Poster

This beautiful and educational poster is illustrated by Beáta Bús and Maarsk Graphics Ltd. The concept for the poster is by László G. Nagy, of the University of Szeged in Hungary. With much appreciated contributions from Anna Rosling, Catherine Aime, Pedro Crous, David S. Hibbett, François Lutzoni and Romina Gazis-Seregina.
This poster is free to print and redistribute under provision of a CC BY-NC licence. 2022. Users who wish to refer to phylogenetic relationships illustrated here may cite Nagy and Szollosi 2017 Advances in Genetics 100, 47-92.
Click here to download a high resolution image version (.JPG, 15.6MB).
Click here to download a PDF version (.PDF, 15.6MB).
Online version of The Fun Fungal Facts Tent at the Mushroom Festival (teens & adults)
Guess the mushroom (kids of all ages)
Fungi Word Find Games (kids of all ages)
To play, select the first letter in a word with your cursor, then drag the cursor to the last letter.
Mushroom Types
Parts/features of a mushroom
Note: Not all mushrooms have all parts/features. Some parts have multiple names (e.g. stem and stipe)
Things we make with fungi
Fungus is being used to make all types of sustainable items.
See if you can find them.
Mushroom Memory/Match games (kids of all ages)
Mushroom Memory Match Junior
Turn over the cards to find the matches.
Learn 10 mushroom types as you play.
Mushroom Memory Match Advanced
Turn over the cards to find the matches.
Learn 18 mushroom types as you play.