CMS Meeting – May 17, 2023

- When: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 7:00 pm
- Live Stream Only: CMS YouTube Channel (open and click to set a reminder)
Lichens surround us and yet they’re largely overlooked. They inhabit nearly every environment on earth, draping old growth forests, engulfing harsh alpine peaks, uniting expansive desert crusts and even lining city streets. But who are they? How do they live within a dynamic symbiosis? What is their ecological importance? In this talk, Lauren Re’ will explore some answers to these questions, as well as covering introductory topics of lichen biology, morphology, a few common Pacific Northwest species, and how to identify them.
About our Speaker

Lauren Ré lives in Bellingham, WA and serves as an expert mushroom identifier and educator for the Northwest Mushroomers Association. She graduated with a B.S from the Evergreen State College where she studied ecology and cryptogamic organisms such as fungi, lichens, and bryophytes. For several years, she played an active role in the South Sound Mushroom Club, becoming the Program Chair & Chief Mycologist while developing an approachable, introductory curriculum for those interested in mycology. She is passionate about Community Science, Waxy Caps (Hygrophoraceae) and bringing greater awareness and understanding of fungal diversity.