Mushroom Identi-Fest: Thursday, September 12

Cantharellus formosus
photo by Bruce Newhouse
The first meeting of “the mushroom year” for the Cascade Mycological Society will be what we like to call the “identifest.” What’s an identifest? Just as it sounds, this meeting will be focused on identifying fresh mushrooms that people have brought with them. So, bring whatever fungal finds you’ve found (fresh, dried, or pictures) and we’ll endeavor to identify them to species (using Mushrooms Demystifyed). If you can get a spore print before the meeting and bring that in too, it will help with the identification process.
We will have microscopes available for getting a close up look at specimens and we’ll have some digital slides of common edibles and some early season fruiters. We’ll also talk about the upcoming (happening) mushroom season, the Mt. Pisgah Arboretum Mushroom Festival, other festivals, and CMS forays.
12 September, 2013 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Room 115, Science Building #16
Lane Community College
4000 E 30th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405
Our general meetings are on the second Thursday of the month unless a special posting on the website indicates a different date. As always, the presentation is free and open to the public.