Spring Morel Foray : May 18 2013
Spring Foray May 18th
Our annual Spring Morel Foray will be on Saturday, May 18th. It is for CMS members only and dogs are not allowed. This year we will again explore in the general area of Jack Creek, near the Metolious River in Central Oregon. Details of the meeting time and location will be given to members that have reserved their place in this foray by contacting the foray coordinator, Cheshire, at forays@cascademyco.org. Space will be limited to 25 people. The foray will be led by Board members David Hammond and Skye Weintraub.
Members who are interested in camping friday and/or saturday night are encouraged to stay at Link Creek campground, on the shores of Suttle Lake. Campsites may be reserved through www.reserveamerica.com, there are also 13 campsites that are available on a first-come first-served basis. If you are interested in camping near the rest of the group, please contact David at webmaster@cascademyco.org after signing up for the foray to find the area in Link Creek where we will stay.
You will need a current mushroom picking permit for personal use. They are free from the forest service. If you are camping in the campgrounds there is a fee. Also, unless you want to pay the day fee for parking ($5) you will need a parking pass such as the NW Forest Pass, the Senior National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands pass, the Access pass, or an Annual pass.
For those that want to come just for the day, we will try to carpool anyone needing a ride. Let Cheshire know this when you make your reservation.