Still, have questions or need help? Send an email to Sandy at webmaster@cascademyco.org
Password Reset Help – If you ever get locked out of your account because you cannot remember your password; just do a Search on the CMS Website for the word – Password. You will find a post with instructions on how to reset your password.
CMS Emails ending up in your Spam Folder? – Instructions for “whitelisting” email addresses so they do not go to Spam – Here. The example shows webmaster@cascademyco.org, you may also want to “whitelist” newsletter@cascademyco.org, membership@cascademyco.org, and fieldtrips@cascademyco.org.
Getting Started
- Each time you log in to the CMS website, you will be directed to the My Membership page. Please note the menu on the right side of the page (desktop only), or under My Membership on the top menu bar (desktop and mobile). These guide you to the “members only” areas of the website.
- Feel free to access all other parts of the CMS website, as we have lots of content that is accessible to the public/non-members. Any time you want access to members onl” content, just click on “My Membership” on the top menu bar.
Take these actions to enhance your experience with using the CMS website
- Please update your account to include an avatar or picture of yourself and also customize your “display name” and “nickname”. You can do all of this on the Update your account/password page. Your display name, nickname, and avatar/picture are visible to other CMS members within the CMS forums. No other information about you that you provided during the registration process and stored in your account is visible to CMS members (other than the CMS web administrators).
- If you have a family membership, you are welcome to share your login with your household family members. If you have a family member who would like their own login. You may request one at the bottom of your My Membership page.
- The CMS Forums is where you can communicate with other CMS members. There are forums based upon geographic areas so that you can get to know members who live near you – and possibly arrange to go mushrooming together. There are also forums based upon interests (e.g. culinary, mushroom cultivation, mushroom crafts). Plus much more. Review the instructions for How to Use the CMS Forums.
Membership FAQs
Something went wrong, my membership is pending. What do I do?
This normally happens when someone registers, but then the payment does not complete through Paypal.
You can still login and complete your payment. After logging in, click on the “Membership Status/Renewal” link in the right hand menu. Then click on the link that says – Complete Payment.
Will I be billed annually for my membership?
Only if you selected Auto-Renew during your initial registration. Please note that if you are on auto-renew and want to change your Membership Type/Level (e.g. change from Standard to Family), please cancel your current membership. Then, when your membership expires, renew your membership at the new level and select auto-renew again (if you want auto-renew). If you do not do this your original auto-renew in Paypal will continue in addition to a new auto-renew for the new membership level.
If I do not currently have auto-renew, can I change to auto-renew?
The easiest way to accomplish this is to select auto-renew the next time you renew your membership. Please note that if you are on auto-renew and want to change your Membership Type/Level (e.g. change from Standard to Family), please cancel your current membership. Then, when your membership expires, renew your membership at the new level and select auto-renew again (if you want auto-renew).
I am on auto-renew but my credit card expired. How to I update it?
You may change/update your auto-renew billing information at any time. You will find “Update Billing” as the last item under the My Membership menu.
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes and no, you may cancel your auto-renew at any time from the Membership Status Page. You will still have access to all member’s only content until your current membership expires. Our system does not automatically issue refunds. Please feel free to contact us by sending an email to webmaster@cascademyco.org. We will issue full or partial refunds in many circumstances.
How will I know when my membership will expire?
The Membership Status page will tell you when your membership will expire.
Will I be notified when my membership expires?
You will be sent an email notice one week prior to your membership expiring. You will receive a second email when it expires.
Will I still be able to login if my membership expires?
Yes, you will still be able to login. However, the only member’s only area you will be able to access is your Membership Status Page, where you can click on the link to renew your membership.ill be sent an email notice one week prior to your membership expiring. You will receive a second email when it expires.
How do I renew my membership?
If you are on auto-renew, everything will be renewed automatically (you will receive emails to let you know). However, if the credit card you used has expired your renewal may fail. You will receive emails to let you know if this happens. If you are not on auto-renew – you will need to wait until after your membership expires to renew it at the same level.
If you are on auto-renew, everything will be renewed automatically (you will receive emails to let you know). However, if the credit card you used has expired your renewal may fail. You will receive emails to let you know if this happens. If you are not on auto-renew – you will need to wait until after your membership expires to renew it at the same level.
How come I cannot renew? The Membership level I currently have is not available on the list for me to select.
You are trying to renew your membership while it is still active – it has not expired yet. The system will not allow you to have two memberships at the same time. You will need to wait until you receive an email that your membership is expired before you can renew it at the same level.
I have a Discount/Standard Membership, can I change to a Family Membership?
Yes, you can. Just go to the Membership Status Page and click on Upgrade or Change your Membership. Your current membership will be pro-rated based upon how long it has been active and you will receive credit towards your upgrade to a Family Membership. IMPORTANT: If you are on auto-renew and want to change your Membership Type/Level (e.g. change from Standard to Family), please cancel your current membership. Then, when your membership expires, renew your membership at the new level and select auto-renew again (if you want auto-renew). If you do not do this, you may end up with 2 recurring payments in Paypal. If you have problems, send an email to webmaster@cascademyco.org.
Where do I find stuff on the website and what can I do?
Click on the links to perform the described action.
Change your Password – Need help with selecting a password? Try the Schneier Password Method
Add or change your Picture/Avatar – Let fellow members know who you are by adding a picture to your account – hopefully one with you holding a mushroom (but not required).
Change your email – Prefer to have a different email associated with your login account, you can do that. Important – In order to receive Member’s only emails, the email you use for your membership account must be the same as the email you use to receive the CMS Enews from MailChimp.
Add an email subscription to the CMS newsletter – Anyone can receive the CMS monthly newsletter, no membership required.
CMS Membership Status – Find out when your membership will expire.
CMS Member Field Trips – Learn about how CMS conducts our CMS Member field trips, what to expect, and how to register.
Learn how to use the Forums – The CMS Forums allow you to post and respond to messages that all members can see. Or, you can send a private message to other CMS members through the CMS forums.
CMS Area Forums – Communicate with other CMS Members who live near you; plan an outing on your own!
CMS Interest Group Forums – Communicate with other CMS Members that have the same mycological interests as you.
Mushroom ID Help – Ask other CMS members about a mushroom you have found in this forum.
Share Your Finds – Share pictures of your latest finds – or see what other members are finding in the Look what I found forum.
CMS Member’s Store – Shop online and receive your member discount – price includes shipping anywhere in the USA.
CMS Members Blog – View, comment on, or volunteer to be a guest blogger for these Member’s Only blog posts.