Time to try another Meati Product

It seems that mushroom based products are still on the rise as both an alternative to eating meat and simply for their health benefits. But the overarching question for these companies is what mushroom to use and how to season it. Over the years, Sandy and I have eaten quite a few of Oregon’s wild mushrooms as well as cultivated ones. Some mushroom species like matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), shiitake (Lentinula edodes) and the almond mushroom (Agaricus subrufescens) have very distinct flavors of their own. As a result, these species generally fall into the “like it or don’t like it” category. Other mushrooms like the white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and the Short-Stemmed russula (Russula brevipes) have a more subtle flavor profile and mostly take on the flavor of whatever you season them with.

Among the available flavor types and those that can be cultivated, I would believe that most companies who want a mushroom based product would opt for the Portabella, or Portobello (Agaricus bisporus) mushroom. It is of course the mature version of the very popular but sometimes maligned white button mushroom that I mentioned earlier. The Portabella has a firm texture as well as a distinct yet not overwhelming flavor. Well, when I visited the Meati website I was able to read about the mushroom and process they use to make their Meati products. Actually, no mushrooms (fruiting bodies) are used; rather they use the “roots” of a fungal organism. These are the microscopic filamentous structures of a fungus, independently referred to as hypha. Mycelium being the more common term we use when we talk about these root-like structures (hypha) as a single mass. The driving force for Meati’s method is it takes far less time, resources, and is more predictable to cultivate mycelium than waiting for mushrooms to develop. It can also be done in a more controlled/sterile manner without exposing your product to undesirable elements as with open air cultivation. I’m certain it is also more profitable to do it this way, while me thinks profit would not be one of their prime motivations – or would it?

As to not keep everyone in suspense, I’ll let Meati tell you what species of fungi they are using. “Meati is crafted from the mycelium of the fungi species Neurospora crassa (N. crassa), which is grown in pristine tanks like those used to brew beer and make cheese. We take care to give it the sustenance it needs – purified Rocky Mountain H2O, nutrients typically found in soil, and fuel in the form of sugar. After harvesting the mycelium, it is pressed to remove the water. We then apply seasoning and other natural flavors to serve up a product that is 95% mycelium. A complete protein full of fiber and other essential nutrients found in animal protein like iron, B vitamins, and zinc. The company’s Ph.D. founders chose to use N. crassa after carefully assessing thousands of species over multiple years.” The delicious Petri dish picture shown to the right is “The filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa eating plant biomass.” While this Petri dish of yummy looking filamentous fungus would go perfectly as a side dish, I prefer Meati’s pristine tank method.

As for the flavor of this recently tried mycelium based product, I first need to harken back to October of 2023. Sandy and I had purchased a frozen package of Meati’s Classic Cutlets while vacationing in Washington’s Kitsap Peninsula. At the time we thought the minimally flavored Classic Cutlets would allow more of the mushroom-root flavor to come through. We first cooked the Meati cutlets as suggested on the package. We didn’t add any seasonings as we wanted to experience its “out of the package” flavor. As for the taste and texture, there was no consensus between the two of us. Sandy gave it a 1-thumb up while I gave it 2-thumbs down. I thought it was bland and the mouth-feel felt like chewing on a giant slug. Sandy actually liked its texture and said it felt like chewing on chicken breast. At the time, my ending advice to our readers was; “Since Meati has four cutlet styles, with hopefully different flavor profiles, you may want to try one of them and evaluate it for yourself.”

Flash forward to December 2024; Sandy saw the Meati MushroomRoot Steaks – Classic version at our local Natural Grocers store in the frozen section. She reminded me that I had hoped that one of their other products might have a better texture and flavor than the less than edible Classic Cutlets. Actually, I had hoped they would have gone out of business by now so this day would not have come. Be that as it may, we agreed to try this steak alternative product. While the shape of these simulated steaks didn’t look like any steak I was familiar with, they did manage to get close to a steak like color.

As with the Classic Cutlets we tried in 2023, I wanted to keep it simple to see what the base flavor of these were like. I put a little unsalted butter in a fry pan to help brown them up a little, then placed the contents of one of the steaks I sliced up in the pan. Slicing them was a little tricky as the fibrous texture of the product created more ripping then slicing. I tried both a slightly serrated knife as well as a thin knife blade. Neither of these knives produced a clean cut. It only took about 8-10 minutes on medium heat to get them a little brown on both sides and serve them up. As a vegetarian, trying simulated meat products is never my first choice for eating a culinary treat. However, the MushroomRoot Steak was more appetizing than the previously tried cutlet. The texture was firm and somewhat chewy like a dense mushroom would have. And, I’m happy to say that they made no attempt to add any simulated gristle nor did they try and create any fat marbling in or around the steak.
How much it actually tasted like a real steak will be for each individual to decide. Sandy rated this product a 3 out of 5 and said it was even better after she splashed some Napa Valley brand Grand Reserve balsamic vinegar on it. I gave it a generous 2.5, which is not bad given my lack of appreciation for anything steak like.

The Meati MushroomRoot Steaks product is a little pricy as Fred Meyers sells it for $10.49 (down from $11.49) and Natural Grocers has it for $10.59. Fortunately, from January 14th through the 18th it is on sale at Natural Grocers for $7.19. And, while we do not try and hype any particular establishment, becoming a Natural Grocers member will also get you additional discounts and non-member specials. So, if you were anxiously waiting for a fake steak product worth trying or have always wanted to experience what Neurospora crassa tastes like, here is your opportunity.
In addition to the Classic steaks, they also offer the slightly spicy Carne Asada version. And, if you prefer your meati to be a little gussied up, you will find numerous recipes on the Chef’s Favorites Section of the Meati website.
Take care and don’t forget to enjoy Oregon’s great forests, parks, and scenic byways.