2024 Mushroom Festival Mycoblitz

The mushroom festival mycoblitz is just one more way to get involved in supporting both the mushroom festival and citizen science. The mycoblitz takes place in the days leading up to the Mount Pisgah Arboretum (MPA) mushroom festival to reflect the days we are collecting specimans for the display. For 2024, the Mycoblitz was conducted Oct. 19, 2024 through Oct. 28, 2024 and include mushrooms observed in Lane County and within about 20 miles outside of the county line. Basically, the boundaries were from Newport to past Reedsport on the Coast, Albany to Roseburg in the interior, Mt. Jefferson (almost) south to Mt. Thielson in the Cascades, and east to Bend.
All INat observations of fungi that match the Mushroom Show Mycoblitz requirements (date, location, and taxa), wwere automatically be included in the Mycoblitz event. Lichenized fungi (lichens) are not included, but slime molds are included as many closely resemble fungi, andare included in the the festival display. Click the button below to view the mycoblitz project on iNaturalist, then read on for instructions on how to contribute to the mycoblitz.

Below are all of the pertinent stats for the 5th annual Mushroom Show Mycoblitz. Thank you to the CMS MLCO taxonomy team members Bruce Newhouse & Susie Holmes who organized and monitored the event.
Also thank you to the many CMS members and others who participated in making observations on iNaturalist, and also those that helped with the identification of the observations posted.
We had 411 species on display at the festival while the mycoblitz was only 5 behind with 406 unique species.

We love having the observations, but what we treasure even more are those that are willing to spend time looking at pictures and identifying what is found on iNaturalist. This is the 3rd year in a row that August Jackson takes the stop spot. While the CMS mushroom display co-coordinator, Bruce Newhouse was in the top 5.