Game of Shrooms 2023

Game of Shrooms is a once a year world-wide art N seek event created by Attaboy (click for more information). The 2023 event is on June 10th. On that day, artists from all over the world hide their original mushroom-themed works in public places then they give hints (often on social media) for others to find AND KEEP!

Sandy Patton who makes mushroom crafts and donates them to CMS to sell at the mushroom festival and in the CMS store, has again entered this years event on behalf of CMS. She has made some special mushroom art exclusively for this event.

Below is the mushroom art that will be hidden around Eugene, in one of 3 parks: Amazon park, Hendricks Park, and Alton Baker Park. So if you are a fan of mushrooms, check out one of these parks on Saturday June 10th and you may find yourself some FREE MUSHROOM ART. If you do find something, please share it on your favorite Social Media App(s) with the following hashtags: #gameofshrooms2023 #cascademyco.

Amazon Park

Amazon Park covers almost 100 acres. So, I will give you a hint. CMS meets at the Amazon Community Center; and also does Community Mushroom Classes through the Amazon Community Center. So, I would start there.


Hendricks Park is Eugene’s oldest city park. Its 80 acres includes a world-renowned rhododendron garden and a native plant garden. During mushroom season you may find real wild mushrooms along the paths of the more forested trails in the park. But, you will find these mushrooms near the gardens beautiful flowering trees or native plants.Alton Baker Park

Alton Baker Park

Alton Baker Park, Eugene’s largest developed park, is home to dozens of recreational features and facilities serving the City of Eugene since 1959. The park is made up of two major areas: the more developed West Alton Baker Park, and the 237-acre Whilamut Natural Area. These mushrooms will be hanging out in West Alton Baker Park located located immediately east of the Ferry Street Bridge along the north bank of the Willamette River.

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