Call for artists – for 2022 CMS tshirt

Are you an Oregon artist with a passion for all things fungal? We are looking for a new design for our 2022 Cascade Mycological Society t-shirt. If selected, your design will be featured on our 2022 t-shirts that make their debut at the Mount Pisgah Arboretum Mushroom Festival in October 2022. Depending on the design, artists will be compensated $150 to $200.
- Last day to submit your design is August 18, 2022.
- The design must include a mushroom that fruits in Oregon.
- Please limit to 5 colors including black and white. Note: More colors add to the cost of printing, so less is better.
- Designs must be of original art (e.g. drawing, painting), no photographs of mushrooms.
- Past designs include Psylocybe Azurescens, Chanterelle, King Bolete, Morel, Shaggy Parasol, Hedgehog, Fly Amanita, Oak Polypore, and Xylaria. Please avoid these.
- Designs may be submitted as a PDF or image (.jpg or.png). Please compress large files.

Traditionally, our t-shirt designs have been of a single mushroom species placed within the CMS “Celtic Circle”; an example is pictured right. The approximate size of the interior of the circle is 6 to 7 inches. If you would like to try your design within the Celtic Circle, you may download the circle here. Your design is not required to be of a single mushroom species that will fit within the CMS Celtic Circle. If you would like to submit a free format, non-traditional design, that is also acceptable.
The t-shirt color is unknown at this point. If selected, your design will be provided to a graphic designer to finalize for printing. If you have questions, please send an email to
Email your submission to Please state your name in the subject line of the email (Example subject line: T-shirt Art – John Doe). Submit your art as an attachment to your email.