Mycoblitz Oct 20-27, 2019

The North American Mycoflora Project is sponsoring a continent wide mycoblitz next week. This a great opportunity to document fungi in our area in conjunction with collecting for the Mount Pisgah Arboretum Mushroom Festival. This also brings the potential opportunity to have unusual specimens DNA sequenced!

Please focus your attention on these types of mushrooms; you will learn more, and the mycologists studying the data will learn more. 

  • Locally uncommon, rare, or otherwise interesting species.
  • Try to make a few of your specimens from one of the following groups for this event: Cortinarius, Inocybe, Amanita vaginatae, and/or the Marasmiaceae.

To be Counted as a participant, you must Register Below

What do you need to Do?

Already using INaturalist? If you are already using INaturalist to document local mushrooms, or perhaps other flora and fauna in our area. All you need to do is Register Below, join the “Continental Mycoblitz 2019” project in iNaturalistand go out during the week and make observationsIf you are making observations within Lane County, please also join and add your observations to the Macrofungi of Lane County Oregon project.

Unfamiliar with INaturalist? You will find instructions on how to download and use Inaturalist on the Macrofungi of Lane County Oregon (MLCO) Website. Just remember to join both projects amd Register below.

To contribute specimens for DNA Sequencing – If you would like to go the extra mile and submit up to 10 mushrooms specimens for sequencing, you will need to download pre-numbered field data slips, use these slips when making your observations, then dehydrate and mail in your specimens.  You will find instructions for all of this by clicking on the button below.

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