Truffles of the Southern Willamette Valley: Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday January 26th 5pm-7pm at Axe & Fiddle Public House, 657 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove

The CFWWC welcomes Scot Loring, mycologist, to present a talk entitled, “Truffles of the Southern Willamette Valley.” The world of truffles is extremely underexplored across the planet. We frequently walk right over them and almost never see these subterranean treasures. Even in Oregon, which is global epicenter of past and present truffle experts, new species are commonly encountered, including a new genus (a group of species) recently discovered locally near Dorena Lake and endemic to the Coast Fork Willamette River watershed — it is found nowhere else on Earth. What are truffles?  Where are they?  How do I recognize them?  How do I find them? What is their importance in local ecosystems?  These and many other questions will be addressed in our first speaker series event of 2016! Come and discover the hidden world of truffles under your feet!

For the past twenty years, mycologist Scot Loring has worked throughout the Pacific Northwest conducting various mycological and botanical research projects for a variety of entities including federal agencies, various universities, watershed councils, utility companies, and other clients.  He is founder and an owner of Pacific Crest Consulting LLC, an environmental consulting company, which among other projects is and has been conducting fungi research and monitoring projects for the Eugene District BLM since 2008.  Scot is currently co-authoring the book “The Rare Truffles of Oregon” with U.S. Forest Service mycologists at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis.  He has discovered thirty-seven species of fungi new to science in Oregon alone.


5-6pm  Watershed Updates & Trivia
6-7pm  Truffles Talk, Scot Loring

The Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council invites you to join us for our informal, fun, and all-ages monthly public gathering. Come early for games and prizes and to get a seat!

10% of food and beverage sales 5-7:30 pm are donated to the Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council. Thank you to our business sponsor and please join us for dinner!

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