Annual Membership Meeting Sunday, May 3, 2015: Morel Stuffing Party & Grill Out
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The Annual Membership Meeting has been scheduled this year in conjunction with the May Morel Stuffing Party & Grill Out on Sunday, May 3, 2015 beginning at 4:00 pm, at a member’s home. Bring a stuffing for the mushrooms or a dish featuring or complementing spring mushrooms. We will have piping bags and a table set up with fresh morels for grilling.
The purpose of the meeting is three-fold. First, we will elect a new Board. Second, we recruit members to help make the events we put on; forays, the mushroom display at the Mt. Pisgah Mushroom Festival, educational programming, culinary events, and monthly public meetings. Last, the spring morel potluck is a great event you do not want to miss.
Invitations and a link to vote for the new board will be sent to members on Wednesday, April 8, 2015.
Membership fees pay for communication, meeting space, guest speakers, special events, grants, research projects and more.