Cancelled – March CMS meeting

- When: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, from 7:15 pm to 9:00 pm
- Where: Amazon Community Center, 2700 Hilyard St, Eugene, Oregon 97405
New Meeting Time – 7:15 pm
Please do not interrupt group meeting in space prior to us.
March 18, 2020 Meeting has been cancelled.
We hope to invite Dr. Trappe to talk to us in the future.
Dr. James (Jim) Trappe, one of the foremost experts on truffles in the world, will be our speaker for March. Jim has been researching truffles and their relationship to plants, mammals, and the wider ecosystem for over 50 years. In his book “Trees, Truffles, and Beasts: how forests function”, Jim along with co-authors Chris Maser (environmental consultant & zoologist), and Andrew W. Claridge (Australian research scientist) make a compelling case for the need to understand the complexity and interdependency of species and habitats from the microscopic level to the gigantic. Comparing forests in the PNW and Southeastern Australia, the authors show how easily observable trees and mammals are part of a complicated infrastructure that includes fungi, lichens, and organisms invisible to the naked eye, such as microbes. Understanding the biophysical intricacies of our forests just might help us save them.
About the Speaker

For the majority of his career, Dr. Trappe was a Research Scientist in the Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University (OSU). In his search for truffle specimens he has collected on “every continent except Africa and Antarctica”. Jim has authored or co-authored 450 scientific papers and written three books on the subject, including the very popular Field Guide to North American Truffles. MycoBank lists Dr. Trappe as either author or co-author of 401 individual species, and over the course of his career he has helped guide research on mycorrhizal fungi and reshaped truffle taxonomy: establishing a new order, two new families, and 40 individual genera.(Wikipedia)