Special Events: 2005-2006
Here are some other 2005-Spring 2006 fungal happenings!
Oregon Mycological Society Annual Mushroom Show, Portland, Oregon, October 16, 2005
Photography exhibit, slide show, mushrooms as dyes exhibit, truffle exhibit, cultivation materials, cooking demonstrations, mushroom books and guides, identification table. From noon to 5:00 p.m. at Cheetham Hall of the World Forestry Center, 4033 SW Canyon Road in Portland. Check the website www.wildmushrooms.org for more information.
The Sixth Annual Yachats Village Mushroom Fest, October 14, 15, 16, 2005
Fabulous wild mushroom cuisine, guided mushroom walks, talks, exhibits and identification. Cooking demonstrations, fungi products, music, entertainment and lots of FUN-gi! The Yachats Village Mushroom Fest is sponsored by the Yachats Area Chamber of Commerce and is generously supported by the Cape Perpetua Visitors Center and Scenic Area, Yachats Restaurants, the Yachats Lodging Association, Forest Ecologist Marla Gillham, OSU Faculty, Students and Alumni, the Lincoln County Mycological Society, Cascade Mycological Society (hey that’s us–we will have a booth there), the North American Truffling Society, and many Yachats area businesses, naturalists and culinary mushroom enthusiasts. Most events will be held in Room 8 of the Yachats Commons. The schedule will be posted online soon. ,br />Yachats Area Chamber of Commerce,
241 Hwy 101, PO Box 728, Yachats, OR 97498
For information: 541-547-3530, 1-800-929-0477
www.yachats.org | e-mail:info@yachats.org
Fall 2005 NATS events
The North American Truffling Society (NATS) is a non-profit organization based in Corvallis, Oregon, that brings together amateurs and professionals who are interested in hypogeous (belowground) fungi. Many CMS members are NATS members as well.
Saturday, October 1 foray to Strawberry Hill on the coast south of Yachats in search of Thaxterogaster pavelekii.
Tuesday, October 4 meeting, Richardson Hall Room 313, 30th Street on Jefferson Way on the Oregon State University campus in Corvallis, 7:30pm. The speaker will be NATS vice-president and Ph.D. candidate Kentaro Hosaka, who will talk about his travels with Hysterangium.
Saturday, November 5 foray to the Black Rock area west of Falls City to find the newly described and mysterious Rhizopogon ater.
Tuesday, November 8 meeting, OSU Richardson Hall Room 313, 7:30pm. The speaker will be Trufflemaster Matt Trappe on the subject of “Truffles in Context: A Mycological Overview.”
Saturday, November 26 foray to either Wiley Creek or Starker Bordette tree farm.
All NATS activities are free and open to the public. For more information, check the NATS website at www.natruffling.org or join. Annual dues are $10 for individuals (plus $5 for each additional family member), and $15 for international memberships. Send a check payable to NATS, P.O. Box 296, Corvallis, OR 97339. Please include your phone number, street address, and email address. NATS membership dues are fully tax-deductible.
Wild Mushrooms 2005: The 22nd Annual Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering
Breitenbush Hot Springs Resort and Conference Center, October 6-9: The Breitenbush community hosts the 22nd Annual Wild Mushroom Gathering and Conference deep in the forested foothills of the Oregon Cascades. Local experts lead guided tours into the surrounding forest to collect specimens to admire, identify and study. Collected wild edible mushrooms will be cooked by professional chef Michael Blackwell (of Whole Foods) and interested mushroom gatherers. This hands on cooking and tasting event celebrates the flavors and special aromas of wild edible fungi. A mushroom identification display will be created during the conference to both educate and admire. Experience the joy of mushroom lectures in the evening, then soak in the springs and let your mind relax and recall the beauty of the mushrooms you found in the lovely forests surrounding Breitenbush. Featured speakers will be Dr. Susan Libonatti who will lecture on mushroom anatomy and ethnomycology or human uses of Fungi. World renowned Dorothy Beebee is an artist who began her mushroom related career illustrating the first book about mushroom dyeing and now teaches natural dyeing with mushrooms to students around the world. Paul Kroeger, an expert of Hot Springs Biology, will be the conference mycologist and lead the identification workshops. The culinary expert, Chef Michael Blackwell, will lead a journey of mushroom tasting. There will be guided forays to collect mushrooms for study and the table. Maggie Rogers will be the book expert and Judy Roger, a local mushroom expert, will familiarize people with mushrooms of the area. For information, contact Breitenbush at (503)854-3321 or at www.breitenbush.com. The cost is $109 plus cost of lodging.
Fall Fruiters class at the Siskiyou Field Institute, Ashland, Oregon, November 11-14, 2005
Beginner’s course November 11-12; intermediate course November 13-14. Learn about mycology at what is often the height of mushroom season for a two-part course with both lab and field time. The first two days will teach how to use identification keys for common fungi. A basic familiarity with compound microscopes is useful but not required. The following two days are for intermediate to advanced fungal students (those taking the first session are encouraged to enroll in the second), and will teach more keying, review important field and lab characteristics, and discussion of the local flora. For the intermediate class, A basic familiarity with compound microscopes is required. Lectures will focus on taxonomy and systematics. The class will spend some time collecting in the diverse Siskiyou slopes near Wagner Butte. Tuition is $90 for one class or $180 for both. To enroll or for more information contact the Siskiyou Field Institute at (541)592-3777 or online at www.thesfi.org
3rd International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Port Townsend, Washington October 12-17th, 2005
The conference is sponsored by Fungi Perfecti, LLC. The focus of the conference will be the potential of mushrooms to counter smallpox and similar viruses. For more details go to www.fungi.com.
We only have e-mail addresses for about 2/3rds of our members, so please pass on the word to your mycological friends!