- To stimulate research into the biology and ecology of fungi and the practical application of mycology to environmental and human health.
- To promote the CMS mission of educating the general public and our own members about fungi, fungi identification, fungi ecology and the role and importance of fungi in human society and natural ecosystems.
A scholarship of up to $1,000 will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student at an Oregon community college, college, or university for the research project that best serves the scholarship objectives described above.
- The project may be proposed for the future or already in progress.
- The applicant must receive academic credit for the project.
- The applicant must complete the scholarship application form.
- The recipient of the scholarship must present the finished project at a CMS general meeting and allow CMS to publish the results of the project in the CMS newsletter and website.
Application and Selection Procedure:
Proposals shall be submitted in writing to the CMS President. Each application shall consist of:
- A completed scholarship application form submitted online (see form below).
- A research proposal, which shall consist of a written document describing the project:
- Objectives: Provide a description of project background, objectives and methods. Specifically, explain how the project relates to the Freeman Rowe Educational Scholarship’s objectives.
- Implementation: Provide a brief summary of how the project’s objectives will be or have been accomplished.
- Outcomes: Provide a description of the anticipated outcomes.
- Timelines: Provide a time schedule for the project.
- Funding Requirements: Anticipated costs and/or amount requested.
The CMS President shall see that each application is distributed to the CMS Board for review. Applicants shall be notified in writing of the Board’s decision. The Board may suggest proposal modifications. Scholarship awards shall be announced in the CMS newsletter and at a general membership meeting.
Reporting and Payment Schedule:
During the CMS budget process each year, the Board shall determine whether sufficient funds exist to advertise the scholarship.
If and when the CMS Board has approved funds for the Freeman Rowe Scholarship, the CMS Board will advertise the scholarship in the newsletter, on the website, and by other means, at its discretion, and direct applicants to submit applications to the CMS President.
Applications will be accepted at any time during the year. A maximum of two scholarships will be awarded in any one CMS budget year. The CMS board may decide to change the number of scholarships that it awards at any time.
Payment to the successful scholarship recipient will be made in two equal installments. The first as soon as feasible upon award and the final payment after a presentation at a regularly scheduled CMS public meeting.
Recipients who fail to submit a final project within one year of the date of the first payment shall forfeit further payment unless an extension is granted by a vote of the CMS Board.
Research data are the property of the researcher, except that research data may be published in the CMS newsletter and on the CMS website.
For more information, please e-mail president@cascademyco.org.