CMS Meeting – Mar 17, 2021

  • When: Wednesday, March 17, 2020, at 7:00 pm
  • Where: Online Event – CMS Youtube Channel (click to set a reminder)

In this presentation, we will learn some of the most common and memorable mushrooms found in spring in the Pacific Northwest. We will focus on common edibles like oysters and morels, as well as less commonly noticed, but interesting and beautiful species. We will learn how to tell edibles apart from poisonous or just otherwise tricky potential lookalikes, noting particular physical features and habitats that will help you to identify them on your own.

About the Speaker

Leah Bendlin is a Portland based mushroom and community science enthusiast. She caught the mycology bug after her first outing hunting chanterelles with a friend. She was amazed at the diversity of other mushrooms that day, and set out to learn the science of identification. That curiosity proved insatiable, and now, 9 years later, she is an expert taxonomist and aspires to learn the name of every mushroom she encounters, and delights in teaching others. Leah has special interests in taxonomy, uncommonly known edibles, mycoheterotrophic plants, slime molds, ascomycetes and social justice. She regularly leads mushroom ID classes and walks through various Pacific Northwest organizations and has volunteered as a teacher, identifier and board member of the Oregon Mycological Society. You can find her Instagram page, focused primarily on teaching mushroom species of the Pacific Northwest at

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