CMS Meeting – January 18, 2023

- When: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 7:00 pm
- Live Stream: CMS YouTube Channel (open and click to set a reminder)
- This event is free and open to the public.
Please join us for the January meeting of the Cascade Mycological Society. Buck McAdoo will be joining us virtually from Bellingham, Washington. He will be speaking about the recently released 3rd edition of his book, Profiles of Northwest Fungi which presents a composite of mushrooms previously described by Buck in ‘Mushrooms of the Month’ articles in “Mushrumors”, the newsletter of the Northwest Mushroomers’ Association. Each mushroom profiled includes their morphology, microscopic features, ecology, global distribution, associated species and look-alikes. The book represents forty years of Buck’s anecdotes and research. A wealth of information about your favorite and not-so-favorite fungi that you won’t want to miss!
About the Speaker
Buck is one of the most prolific mushroom hunters and identifiers in the Pacific Northwest. After his initiation into coastal fungi in the San Francisco bay area in 1980, he moved to the Pacific Northwest where he became a charter member of the Northwest Mushroomer’s Association based in Bellingham. After editing their newsletter for a number of years, he joined the Pacific Northwest Key Council where he was assigned to work on a key to the Collybioid fungi.
Buck is also a member of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA), contributes articles to “Mushroom the Journal”, and has a mushroom named after him – Agaricus buckmacadooi – as a tribute to Buck’s contributions to Agaricus science. Although his main focus has been on northwest fungi, he has forayed or collected in France, Scotland, England, Spain, Greece, Tibet, Colombia, Switzerland, and Belize.