CMS Meeting – October 20, 2021

- When: Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 7:00 pm
- Where: Live Stream on the CMS YouTube Channel (click to set a reminder)
Dr Anna Bazzicalupo will be speaking about her analysis of the Benjamin Woo collection of Russulas. For 30 years, Ben Woo, an expert amateur mycologist and founder of the Puget Sound Mycological Society and Pacific Northwest Key Council; carefully sampled and documented Washington and Oregon specimens. Anna and her team have sequenced, databased, and analyzed the collection of over 1000 Russula specimens. Russulas are a very complex genus that is difficult to identify to species. We welcome you to listen to Anna reveal what the team discovered.
About the Speaker

Dr Anna Bazzicalupo grew up in Naples, Italy. She did her undergrad and masters degrees in Scotland. As a PhD student at the University of British Columbia in May Berbee’s lab, she is interested in the taxonomy and systematics of Russula of the Pacific Northwest. Her work involves using this complicated group as an example of collaboration between mycological societies and academia, towards the better understanding of the systematics and taxonomy of our local mushrooms. She has been working on the Benjamin Woo Russula collection from the Burke Museum, to barcode the Russulas of the Pacific Northwest.