CMS Meeting Wednesday February 24th: The Mycelial Conspiracy with Matt Trappe
February’s featured speaker is Dr. Matt Trappe. His topic, “The Mycelial Conspiracy”, will explore many of the ways that fungi exploit their environment and other organisms (including us) to get what they want. Sometimes these methods are symbiotic (mycorrhizae) and sometimes they are destructive (pathogens), but they are always interesting!

Matt Trappe
About the Speaker:
Dr. Matt Trappe is a research ecologist with over 18 years experience working in western forests. Matt’s specialties are disturbance ecology (particularly fire), mycology and soil microbiology, DNA and isotopic analysis, forestry, and botany. He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and a M.S. in Forest Science, both from Oregon State University. Matt is currently a Research Intern for the US Department of Agricultural, Horticultural Crops Research Lab in Corvallis, Oregon. Dr. Trappe previously worked for the OSU College of Forestry with the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance and has taught graduate-level courses on mycology and non-timber forest products at OSU. He is an authority on hypogeous fungi (Truffles), and was the lead author of “The Field Guide to North American Truffles” and leads truffling forays for the North American Truffling Society.
The talk is free and open to the public. There will be a mushroom identification session prior to the speaker. Bring what’s in your basket, edible or not, and learn from the experienced members of our community.
- When: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Where: Amazon Community Center, 2700 Hilyard St, Eugene, Oregon 97405