CMS Meeting Wednesday, September 23: Introduction to Wild Mushroom Foraging
Our first meeting of the 2015-2016 mushroom season begins with a talk on how to safely identify and consume wild mushrooms. Discover their habitat, which mushrooms to avoid, and which choice edibles are easiest to identify and find.
Ron Patton will be giving the presentation. He and his wife Sandy took up mushroom hunting with CMS shortly after retiring to Oregon in 2007. Ron is pictured here on his first mushroom hunt in 2008.
Meet at 7:00 pm in the Main Hall at the Amazon Community Center at 2700 Hilyard St. There will be a mushroom show and tell identification session prior to the speaker. Bring what’s in your basket, edible or not, and learn from the experienced members of our community.
The talk is free and open to the public.