Bridgeoporus nobilisimus
This is a “huge” fundraiser for CMS.
Bridgeoporus nobilissimus sighting by CMS surveyors confirmed!
This is an 2005 update to the 2003 CMS surveys for the elusive Fuzzy Green Pizza! Following up on CMS’s Bridgeoporus nobilissimus survey contract with the Forest Service, we have this update: Molly Widmer spotted found one of these rare giant polypores in the Gordon Lakes area of the Sweet Home Ranger District. District Botanist Alice Smith confirmed the find to us recently. This unusual conk fungus only grows with true fir at high elevations (above the ?true fir line?) and only in the west-side forests of the Pacific Northwest. If the area around the discovery is not already protected, the confirmed presence of Bridgeoporus could result in this beautiful area receiving additional protection from logging and other human disturbance. Add to this the funds that CMS earned for the survey work, and it appears the project has been quite a success! Special thanks to Chris Melotti, originator and organizer of the proposal and of many survey trips.
The folowing is the original information on the reseach and survey project by CMS.
You won’t find it lurking in the dark, hidden corners of your refridgerator. It lives in the beautiful Cascade Mountains, growing in old-growth forests or on large remnant stumps. It is Bridgeoporus nobilissimus, usually called the “noble polypore,” but affectionately known as the “green pizza with a crew cut.” It is a rare fungus, known only from westside forests in the Pacific Northwest. To learn more about this conk, Cascade Mycological Society joined with the US Forest Service to conduct surveys for research on its distribution and habitat.
In 2003, Cascade Mycological Society entered into a Challenge Cost Share Agreement with the Willamette National Forest’s Sweet Home and Detroit Ranger Districts. B. nobbilissimus (or BRNO) is a perennial conk which can grow to huge proportions. BRNO is a “Survey & Manage” species which will get protection when found.’Underside of BRNO’ This was an excellent opportunity for people to gain experience looking for this rare species. Training was provided, however, participants found that this was HARD WORK. The effort was fun, even with the steep ground, wet weather and all the usual things that come with “bushwhacking” through all ages of forests in the Cascades.
We conducted “intuitive controlled surveys” for this rare species. Chris Melotti was the coordinator with the help of experienced and novice fungi surveyors alike.
Botanist Susan Holmes posing next to
a BRNO she found doing her surveying.